Monday, September 30, 2019

Cowboys and Cattlemen Essay

The United States as a nation is ever changing. The U. S. population is growing every year, and the different types of ethnicities continue to flood into the country searching for the â€Å"American Dream. † However, how many people actually see this dream become a reality? The answer to that is incredibly disheartening and was even harder to obtain in the earlier years of America’s history. Unless you were a white male in the late 1800s to 1900s, the American Dream was exactly that: a dream. This failed ideal can be explored through the inequality expressed in that of race, gender, and class throughout American history, specifically during the time of cowboys and cattlemen. Additionally, such injustices can be portrayed in today’s fast food industry with the struggles of the employer to employee. Comparing and contrasting cowboys with cattlemen and managers with employees will demonstrate how such issues come into affect. In order to express the inequality faced within the workforce between cowboys and cattlemen, the background of their field of work, who did the work, and their differences need to be taken into account. When the Conquistadors came to the Americas in the 16th century they brought their cattle and cattle-raising techniques with them. Huge land grants by the Spanish government that was part of the hacienda system, allowed large numbers of animals to roam freely over vast areas (Wikipedia)[1]. Numerous traditions developed that often related to the original location in Spain. For example, the Vaquero tradition of Northern Mexico was more organic, developed to adapt to the characteristics of the region from Spanish sources by cultural interaction between the Spanish elites and the native and mestizo peoples (Wikipedia). As settlers from the United States moved west, they brought cattle breeds from the east coast and Europe and adapted their management to the drier lands of the west by borrowing key elements of the Spanish vaquero culture (Wikipedia). From 1865-1900, raising cattle was the most prominent job position in the western United States. The Homestead Act of 1862 attracted more settlers to come west and set up farms. This is because the Homestead Act gave someone the ability to own farmland for no cost at all; however, the only requirement needed was proof that the land had improved during the time of ownership. Therefore, it was very easy to obtain land, but improving it was the biggest challenge. Ranching is a difficult task of raising grazing livestock such as cattle for meat. The owners of these lands known as cattlemen had to invest time in farming and raising crops such as hay and grains for feeding their animals to produce a profit. The cattle would go from the ranch to the trail, to the slaughterhouse, and eventually be distributed throughout America. But who are the people behind the scenes that raise and break the cattle or horses, and who does all the work on the ranch? Cowboys. Cowboys were the workers on the ranch who helped maintain it. Cowboys strived toward becoming ‘men’ and they viewed the title of being a ‘man’ based upon the masculinity shown. Cowboys demonstrated their masculinity in terms of their skills on the job, their control over their working conditions, and their ability to make independent decisions. Even in their time of leisure, they still would do things to prove their masculinity such as gamble, drink, fight, and indulge in sexual pleasures with prostitutes. In the book, Cowboys and Cattlemen by Jacqueline Moore, she explains how Anglo cowboys recognized skill regardless of color, which provided exceptional men other than whites a chance to gain respect (Moore)[2]. However, a majority of the hard work was left to the Mexican or black cowboys. That’s why many black cowboys were so skilled in the more difficult areas of work such as breaking bulls because they were forced to do it the majority of the time. Today, many industries like the fast food industry employ people considered as the lower class. It is not common to walk into a McDonalds and see Donald Trump working the cash register. Cowboys are seen as these lower class people and it so happens people of color both in this time and today are still struggling to climb out of the lower class and into higher economic standing. Moore goes on to argue that cattlemen trusted the loyalty of their black cowboys and would often have them carry out sensitive missions, such as guarding large sums of money while on the trail (Moore). However, cowboys of color, despite their ability to gain respect with their amazing skill level, were still not able to become cattlemen themselves. Many cowboys for that matter didn’t have much room to improve, which is why the relationships the cowboys had with one another were so strong. Many of the cowboys weren’t ashamed to show affection towards each other because these relationships were the most important in their lives. The death of a friend was always the worst tragedy. Furthermore, many of these friendships seemed to be more than superficial. People questioned them because the cowboys bunked together which created chances for sexual relationships. To continue with their intimate relationship woes, these men had a tough time attracting the more respectable women, who usually fell for cattlemen because they were more financially stable (Moore). This lead to the cowboys’ encounters with prostitutes. Not many cowboys, for that matter, were married, and if they did get married it usually meant their career was over. To make matters worse, towns began to find ways to drive away cowboys by prohibiting guns and fining, arresting, and punishing them on the job which forced them to comply with the regulation of their public leisure. Discredited at work and in leisure, cowboys seemed more and more marginalized, out of step with the rest of American society† (Moore). Though cowboys of color were respected for their skill and, to an extent, racially tolerant, racism was still prevalent within society and in their work. Racism was not only existent during the era of Martin Luther King Jr. and the historic Civil Rights Movement, which was steered toward breaking color barriers in the â€Å"Solid South,† but it was seen as early as the times of â€Å"the trail† and cattle ranching. It affected the lives of the workers. People of color and women both were victims of discrimination. Women especially had no say in the way of life of the ranch because their opinion was not taken into account. The job of a women consisted of only three things. One: raise the children, two: do all the housework such as cooking cleaning and laundry amongst other daily household chores, and three: handle financial situations such as doing the bills and buying groceries. There were cowgirls; however, their stories aren’t heard because there were very few and women’s cattle raising positions at the time were irrelevant. Prostitutes were even more greatly degraded because of their less than condonable lifestyle. On the ranch, cowboys of color had no chance of becoming cattlemen. White Anglo cowboys had a slim chance but colored cowboys had even fewer. This is because these nonwhite races were seen as not sufficiently â€Å"evolved† to achieve true manhood. Segregation between white cowboys and nonwhite cowboys was also consistent on many ranches during this period. For example, Anglo cowboys ate with the owner while Mexicans would camp out with the herds. Such segregation and discrimination didn’t allow women or nonwhites to move up in the social class. Cowboys in general, if born into a cowboy family, were destined to be that and that only. Freedom for cowboys is a myth. Ultimately, cowboys were simply employees and lost what independence they had in their field of work. Cattlemen on the other hand had easy living. Cattlemen usually obtained their position because their fathers before them were. In a way, it’s like they were taking on the family business. Inheritance was a huge starting point for many of the men. However, to fully become a cattleman, emphasis on being â€Å"men† to prove themselves was stressed. This was done with a proper education, the contribution they made towards society, and getting married. Marriages usually lead to gifts or property, which was also another marker of manhood. The jobs cattlemen did were similar to that of businessmen- they did whatever they could to make a profit. Most of the successful cattlemen experimented with different types of breeding techniques and invested heavily in land. They even had other business interests outside of the cattle industry (Moore)[3]. Cattlemen looked to socialize with people in the towns around them rather than just the men on the ranch. As towns grew, so did the development of associations and entertainments that the men had known before coming to town, and socializing with men of equal status was more common (Moore). Nonwhite ranchers were nonexistent and those who were in lower classes would never be seen socializing with cattlemen unless it was on the ranch. Furthermore, the way ranchers carried themselves in public, and the economic stability they possessed allowed them to attract the more respectable women who were better suited to be housewives. Similarly, in order to understand the workforce of the fast food industry, background information about the industry needs to be taken into account. The fast food industry goes hand in hand with the cattle industry. In Central America, nearly 40% of the land was cultivated to become pasture for cattle that would supply cheap beef to North America’s fast food industry (Myers)[4]. Furthermore, the cattle raised in Central America are raised on grass, making the beef lean and only suitable for the fast food trade (Myers). Fast food has become in high demand because of its low prices and its convenience of location. It’s hard to miss these restaurants because driving around in a city you are guaranteed to see some of these consumer-crazed fast food chains on just about every corner. They can even be found in local retail stores, airports, and gas stations. Fast food is quicker than preparing home-cooked meals and according to the article, â€Å"Convenience, Accessibility, and the Demand for Fast Food,† fast food accounts for 35% of the total away-from-home food expenditures (Binkley, et al)[5]. Moreover, according to the same article, fast food chains have an increase in consumption when located in areas inhabited by African-Americans and Hispanics (Binkley, et al). Targeting low-income races with cheaply priced food allows this industry to continue to grow because those of low-income won’t be consistently eating at a sit down restaurant ordering a meal for twenty dollars when they can order one at McDonalds for as low as four dollars. Price, accessibility, and convenience are major factors to the success of this industry. Similarly to the point previously made about the low socioeconomic standing of cowboys, a majority of the employees of the fast food industry are working class people. The working class is becoming only certain ethnic groups- Hispanics, African Americans, and both legal and illegal immigrants. Once immigrants enter the U. S. they are placed in the lower class regardless if they have been in the middle class in their country of origin. These people of color are hard-working employees and have families. However, they still earn only minimum wage after years of experience. Typically, these ast-food jobs are oriented to be temporary positions for teenagers who are looking to make some extra cash before going to college. But it has become a social norm that it’s the job position of those who are living off a paycheck-to-paycheck basis, struggling to make ends meet. Jennifer Talwar’s book, Fast Food Fast Track: Immigrants, Big Business, and the American Dream, states, â€Å"the fast food restaurant offered me a way to understand how different ethnic groups relate to each other in their attempt to survive but also improve their circumstances at the bottom of the American urban economy† (Talwar). 6] Like the cowboys, workers in fast food become separated from the owners and higher-class society so they turn to the relationships of one another. However, unlike the cowboys who were unable to become cattlemen, employees of color in the fast food industry can become even owners of a McDonald’s or Burger King for example. According to Talwar, Phil Hagans an African American man started out as a burger flipper and later became an owner of four McDonald’s restaurants in Houston, as he was able to climb the hierarchies (Talwar). [7] Just because there is marginal room for improvement of a worker’s position in this area of work doesn’t mean there is an absence of inequality. The fast food industry is a business built on the ideal of low prices resulting it in having to keep labor and other operating costs to a minimum. According to the book, Labour Relations in the Global Fast-Food Industry, Royle and Towers explain that low wages, minimal benefits, tight staffing, and efforts to intensify labor are predictable due to competition environment (Royle and Towers). 8] This allows employers to have control and does not allow workers to have a say in changing working conditions. Such factors are not subject to change and the issue of unionizing poses no threat to the fast food business. This is because â€Å"major fast-food companies†¦are employed by franchisees, many of whom own only a few restaurants or just one,† like Phil Hagans (Royle and Towers). This fragments the workers not only physically but also to the extent that they are under different management. Unionization is also unable to arise due to the role technology plays in standardizing the work of fast-food crews. These new machines basically tell the employee when to proceed on to the next step of the routine of preparing a burger or fries, resulting in a minimization for the need of skilled workers. Furthermore, having an education is not needed to work for fast food places such as McDonalds because these jobs don’t require higher-level skills. However, â€Å"while fast-food work is generally treated unskilled, it is not easy to perform well† and it â€Å"can be hard and exhausting work, especially during busy periods† (Royle and Towers). 9] Mangers have complete control over their workers, starting with the scheduling of the workers’ hours. It is also a way to keep employment costs down and can be used as a disciplinary system. For example, managers can call in employees on their days off and have them work late hours. Cattlemen of the ranch had different tactics for maintaining control but the outcome was the same. Unionization is further challenged in the fast food industry because many unskilled workers are young teens that only see this type of work as a temporary position. According to Royle and Towers, only one third of those employed by the industry actually try to turn it into a career (Royle and Towers). Cowboys needed to have specific skill sets such as riding horses, being able to round herds up the trail, and manage the farmland. Teens and those who work the oven and fryers don’t need to have a specific skill set because each skill is specialized. It can be juxtaposed to an assembly line where a worker will perform one task all day that requires low input of labor. Therefore, the value of work from cowboys compared to employees of the fast food industry is diminishing. As seen with managers and employees of the cattle industry of the past and fast food industry of today, the hierarchies of the workforce are evident and haven’t been drastically modified. On the ranch, a cowboy (especially one of color) couldn’t become a cattlemen. In the fast-food industry a burger flipper can become an owner of his own franchise but, unless its handed down like a ranch from cattlemen to cattlemen, its an outrageous number of years to climb in rank. The hierarchy in a typical fast-food restaurant is as follows, from lowest job to highest: crewmember, crew trainer, manager trainee, second and first assistant manager, associate and general manger, store supervisor, and finally owner. By the time a worker reaches the top they’ll have white hair and be ready for retirement. Climbing the different levels isn’t promising. That’s how owners of big industries want it. The higher class will continue to improve and gain wealth while the lower class will struggle to fight for a higher economic standing for the majority of their lives. Many workers won’t ever obtain the life they thought they would achieve in a nation known to be the home of the free and the land of the brave and where an â€Å"American Dream† is possible. The United States needs to adapt to make lives easier for its people by giving health care, increasing minimum wage, and actually listening to the voices of the people who inhibit this great country. If the United States’ industries continue to suck the life out of their workers and have total control over every aspect of these laborers, then the ideology of being â€Å"equal† will be never be in existence.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Videogames Benefits

Most people think that playing video games will lead you to a life of crime, delinquency, and misery. The opposite, however, is true. Video games can be used properly to improve the coordination and concentration physically, socially, and mentally to benefit the user. Does this mean kids should spend all day playing? No. This occurs when they are used properly and in moderation. Contrary to what most of the people believes, video games can actually help your motorskills no matter how younger people are.Most of the people who play videogames do not know that there is a research that shows that certain video games can reduce fat causing global weight loss. Other sources state that doctors have instructed parents to let their children play video games to help control focus. It is found that video games can improve hand eye coordination and have been used for rehabilitation of wounded soldiers. Gamming has developed in technology that has been created for many new positive effects. Over the years video games had become popular and enhanced.Another potential benefit of video games is they aid in improving language and teaching new words of various languages. This is because every game contains certain rules and instructions according to which the game can be played. So, it is very necessary for the player to be able to understand the instruction. Video games help the child in recognizing the alphabet and numbers. It also helps in building the children vocabulary. The University of Cambridge states that in a study with one set of surgeons played video games for 3 hours a week, while the other set played none.The set that played the video games made 37 percent fewer mistakes during laparoscopic surgery and finished the surgery 27 percent faster. In a separate study, gamers and athletes were compared upon their hand eye coordination. People who played both sports and games were the highest, followed by gamers, and then athletes. In two separate studies, video game play ers had better success identifying items in visual environments. One study showed that people who played action games had a 20 percent better success rate in identifying a T in a cluttered environment.In another study, those who play action video games on a regular basis can process visual information faster and can track 30 percent more objects than non-gamers. (University of Cambridge) Gaming can also make you smarter. People who play video games can display intelligence by solving in-game problems. Managing multiple objectives and multiple resources is one of the goals of the game that can help you become smarter. The people can also improve their understanding ability by learning the rules of the game and what strategy works the best for the user.Since video games are driven by goals (find the princess in the White Mountain), people will have to think and analyze the environments in order to complete problems that lead them to complete the main task; so gaming will develop the a reas of think and analysis of the people involved. But playing too much can lead people to addiction and many other negative consequences. The good part is that there are positive outcomes to gaming like Getting smarter, becoming better with your hands and being able to see better is a good outcome. This only applies when used properly.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Hypertext and information design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hypertext and information design - Essay Example far as hypermedia is concerned, hypermedia can be described as the documents that have the ability information associated to several media, due to which, the information is allowed to be linked by the help of associations. Hypermedia files can be called as multimedia files with hypertext links (Farkas 2004a). Hypermedia has various layers of information. Hypertext is a useful approach as there are many merits attached to it. Hypertext facilitates us with nodes, links and navigation due to which, we do not face the problem of being lost. We can revert to our position if we go wrong with the help of links and navigations (Conklin 1987). The nodes are small chunks of information. The information that is widespread is divided into nodes and those nodes are linked through links and to go from one link to another, navigations are employed. The hypertext documents can exist into two categories: static and dynamic. Static documents cannot be changed but only be read and viewed while dynamic documents can be changed according to the users’ needs. Due to hypertext, the users are helped with user interface due to which, they have a friendly view for information retrieval. Information design is a not an easy task and the designers and developers are required to arrange the nodes of information in a sequential and logical manner (Farkas 2004a). In hypertext, the user uses the tools due to which, he/she is facilitated with an efficient way to deal with information. Information design is facilitated because of hypertexts. Hypertext theory and concepts are useful to the theory and practice of information design. The information that is designed with the help of hypertext is in non-linear format (Conklin 1987). Also information that is designed is in dynamic style as well in static. The static hypertext documents show information design in a format that does not allow the user to input his/her requirements or criteria in the web page. The dynamic hypertext documents show

Friday, September 27, 2019

Law - Restitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6750 words

Law - Restitution - Essay Example ges now recognize that there is an important subject called restitution and that in general terms, it concerns the removal of benefits that would otherwise unjustly enrich the defendant. It is not difficult to imagine that jurisprudence surrounding the much more limited principle of free acceptance is even narrower. To aspire for universality or even, less ambitiously, coherence, would be a futile exercise. The only discernible trend is, as Hedley somewhat cynically puts it, â€Å"the willingness to make quite spectacular changes in the law when the judge’s moral feelings are sufficiently outraged.†2 What this paper will attempt to do is to present a comparative overview of free acceptance, and to some extent, unjust enrichment, as it is applied in common law jurisdictions. By way of providing some form of context, it will also explore how the common law countries perceive these two principles, as opposed to civil law countries. The jury is still out on the question of what the future holds for these two intertwined doctrines, dependent as it largely is on the vagaries of the legal system and the constantly-shifting winds of judicial discernment and discretion. To quote Birks, â€Å"a free acceptance occurs where a recipient knows that a benefit is being offered to him non-gratuitiously and where he, having the opportunity to reject, elects to accept.†3 It is an alternative to incontrovertible benefit that cannot be disputed by the defendants, as in benefits that have accrued due to a clear and unmistakeable meeting of the minds. Birks proceeds from Goff and Jones4 who first propounded the idea of subjectively-determined benefit. The most famous example of free acceptance is of a window cleaner who cleaned the windows of a homeowner, the homeowner being fully aware that the window cleaner believed that he was performing the service for valuable consideration and yet doing nothing to stop the cleaner from cleaning the windows. Per the argument of Goff and Jones

Thursday, September 26, 2019

My Success Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 12

My Success Strategies - Essay Example My ability to rise from failure, learn lessons from it and try all over again to me is the success. If however, I keep making the same mistakes over and over again that is the failure. That is why I have to come up with a strategy to ensure success. In its simplest form, the strategy is a bridge for getting from where you are today to where you want to go. Whether in business or in your personal life, the strategy is how you plan to get from your current position to your desired goals. Just as we need a strategy for business and academic success, we need to plan for our lives to be successful. Without a strategy to success, we allow all kinds of forces to push, pull, twist, and turn us into mental and emotional pretzels. Our inability to say â€Å"no† pushes us into time-wasting activities; a lack of strategic direction allows us to be pulled down a career path we never wanted; good intentions to volunteer in the community are twisted into negative comments when we’re not able to meet the time commitments; and we’re emotionally turned around when the relationship we let wither finally ends. With a solid strategy in place, however, we can harness the everyday forces to lead us where we want to go. I like to think of strategy as a bridge—a way to get from where you are to where you want to be. A bridge provides passage over a gap—something that’s missing. For many of us, there are gaps in our lives—things that are miss ing, things that we’d like to have more of, such as more time with family and friends, more purposeful work, a healthier lifestyle, and greater spirituality. The strategy can help us fill those gaps. I have created a five-step plan to achieve the kind of life that I want. This framework takes the foundational principles of business strategy and helps you apply them to your life. The result is a simple plan you can follow to become effective, successful, and happy at work and at home.  Ã‚  

Week 5 Discussion questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week 5 Discussion questions - Essay Example Sometimes management is naà ¯ve and they think that the same rules apply to a company in a large scale. With growth come a lot of hidden costs to monitor a larger operation. Enron was the largest energy producer in the world. The company got so big that a lot of lower level managers and accountants could not see that a huge scam was occurring right beneath their feet. I think that companies are more vulnerable to this phenomenon when they are in their early stages of development due to a lack of economic resources to implement proper internal control mechanisms. I think that employee growth is often not managed well as company start growth. For instances when a company has thousands of employees it become harder to implement control mechanisms to maintain a drug free environment because it is too costly to test all the employees. Firms can only implement random testing of a small population of the employees due to cost constraints. Sometimes firm underestimate the importance of experience and they hire too many college recruits at once. Bad management of human resources complicates human resource issues. I believe that one of the biggest changes in the accounting profession is that accountants have become bigger assets of the managerial staff due to their ability to analyze business information. The utilization of accounting information systems provides companies with precise up to date information that can be used to make informed business decisions. Technology has helped managers and accountants a lot. The accounting profession is changing in the United States due to the influence of new regulations that arrived in the 21st century such as the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002. A branch of accounting that will grow a lot in the near future is auditing and forensic accounting. Sometimes when companies begin to growth they don’t pay adequate attention to their inventory numbers. This

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Carbohydrate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Carbohydrate - Essay Example The apparent simplicity of these processes proved deceptive. The number of chemically definable units increased with accelerated speed from the beginning of the nineteenth century. Toward its end, the very multiplicity which sometimes became confusing made it possible to solve many problems. The genius of the great "natural philosophers" of earlier times had its successors in the genius of chemists who constructed a new unity by fitting together separate pieces of special experience. At first, however, the organismic products had to be taken apart and transferred from a biological system to that of elements and molecules. In 1827 William Prout (1785- 1850) distinguished between three groups of food materials: fats, proteins, and sugars. From the combustion of sugars which he carried out he concluded that sugars are related to starch and characterized by containing oxygen and hydrogen in the proportions in which these elements are present in water. They are hydrates of carbon, or carbohydrates. The conversion of starch into the sugar found in grape juice (glucose) was carried out by Gottlieb Sigismund Kirchhoff, a German pharmacist in Russia, in two ways: by heating with dilute sulfuric acid or by digesting with the "gluten" of malt (1811, 1814). Glucose was also obtained by the action of certain specific plant extracts on substances like amygdaline or salicin. Latirent proposed to call these substances "glucosamides" (1852) which Gerhardt simplified to "glycosides." They are split by enzymes into glucose and such complex materials as the nitrile of benzaldehyde (Foster-Powell, K., Brand Miller, 1995). When Alexander Butlerow (1828- 1886, Kasan) subjected a new substance, which was later found to be formaldehyde, to a digestion with limewater, he obtained (1861) "the first example of the synthetic production of a substance which behaves like a sugar." Baeyer explained this reaction (1870) as starting from a hydrate of formaldehyde, CH 2 ((OH) 2, and consisting of a combination of six such molecules with removal of six molecules of water. The sugar thus had the formula COH(C [OH] H) 4.CH 2 0H. This speculation used the results of an investigation of mannit, an alcohol obtained from manna. Berthelot, as a sequence of his work on the tribasic alcohol glycerine, recognized mannit as a hexabasic alcohol 1860); its reduction to the hydrocarbon hexane, by means of hydroiodic acid, proved the arrangement of the carbon atoms in a straight chain. This proof, in turn, was possible only because of the comparison of this hexane with other hydrocarbons. A. Wurtz applied his findings of aldehyde condensations, in which only two aldehyde molecules were involved, to the problem of the constitution of glucose. Oxidations to sugar acids and reduction to mannit were further helps in solving the problem. The chemical constitution of fructose, which is combined with glucose in cane sugar (sucrose), could be interpreted (1880) from the acids obtained by oxidizing the addition compound with hydrocyanic acid (Foster-Powell, Miller, 1995). Cellulose also belongs to the group of carbohydrates, since the addition of molecular water, under the influence of strong sulfuric acid, converts it into glucose (Braconnot, 1819). Wood contains a large proportion of cellulose and lignin. The two call be separated, according to Anselme Payen ( 1795- 1871,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Survival Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Survival - Essay Example Life is a very much complicated object to understand and surmount as well. Social injustice and unequal distribution of wealth, power, resources and opportunities have created a wide gulf within the human race. This can be observed while visiting different societies and cultures of the world. There is lavishness, comforts, merry-making, gorgeous dresses, luxurious vehicles, splendid residences, attractive career and much more at one side; and poverty, lack of proper funds, absence of creature comforts and basic necessities, scarcity and darkness on the other. Deficiency in containing apposite provisions as well as dearth in attaining fundamental requirements leads human society towards the path of deviancy, perversion and criminal activities. â€Å"Social injustice†, Zaidi (2006: 32) views, â€Å"serves as the bleakest aspect of not only the contemporary world, but also of the most primitive clans and tribes consisted of cave dwellers of Paleolithic and Neolithic era. It has been the root-cause of man’s entire dismay, displeasure and dissatisfaction since his birth in the world of bitter reality, and has originated grievances, turbulence and turmoil to the generations from the very beginning till today†. Child abuse is also one of the most depressing features of human society. The article under the title â€Å"Survival† has been extracted from Skin: Talking About Sex, Class & Literature created by eminent feminist writer Dorothy Allison, who raised a strong voice against child molestation and violence against the delicate sex. The article is a bold representation of malpractices committed in the contemporary American society particularly in lower middle and lower lower communities. Allison, the American feminist writer and analyst has very courageously submitted the sensitive case before the world and brought to the limelight how the small children of both sexes, especially the girls from the lower stratum of society, are deflowered by family members,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Research (continue) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Research (continue) - Essay Example The district functions through its department, English Language Learner Programme (ELLP), which offers a range of initiatives for culturally and linguistically students. The department is in charge of English Language Learner (ELL) student placement, student monitoring and access to supplementary materials. ELLP aims at helping the students blend into the system and ensure that their academic progress is at par with other students. It also strives at improving on community, family and school support to enhance their progress. The department trains ELL specialists to use the High Quality Sheltered Instruction (HQSI) model with ELL students. HQSI is a programme, which focuses on building foundation of teaching skills and vocabulary skills. It covers various aspects such as strategies, instruction, lesson delivery, building background, interaction, comprehensible input, application and review. The initiative helps in making language connections between the student and the curriculum. Once the students show an improvement in language, it eventually improves their performance. The district also has Inclusive Schools Practices (ISP), which is designed to bridge the gap between the achievement levels of students by providing access to students with disabilities. This is done by providing a least restricted and a culturally responsive environment to students. It also aims a multicultural form of instruction to create awareness about diverse cultures and make CLD feel at home in classroom. Under this programme, the focus is on instructional strategies, curriculum modification, collaborative practices, cultural diversity and building leadership processes. The district also appoints psychological services assistants, recruited on the basis of a bilingual proficiency test, to help them understand ELL students and assess their requirements. The district also offers special education services for students with disabilities between ages 3 to 21. Working in

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Alexander the Great Essay Example for Free

Alexander the Great Essay He was the father of Alexander the Great, Philip III and possibly Ptolemy I, the founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt. *Hephaestion son of Amyntor, was a Macedonian nobleman and a general in the army of Alexander the Great. He was by far the dearest of all the kings friends. *Darius III was the last king of the Achaemenid Empire of Persia from 336 BC to 330 BC. He was deposed during Alexander the Greats conquest. *Roxana was a Bactrian noble and a wife of Alexander the Great. Ptolemy I Soter was a Macedonian general under Alexander the Great who became ruler of Egypt *Aristotle was a Greek philosopher, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. *Craterus was a Macedonian general under Alexander the Great and one of the Diadochi. *Parmenion was a Macedonian general in the service of Philip II of Macedon and Alexander the Great *Philotas was the eldest son of Parmenion, Alexanders most experienced and talented general. Plot .. The film is based on the biography of Alexander the Great, the King of Macedon, the first Macedonian Emperor who conquered Asia Minor, Persia and eventually Ancient India. It provides a glimpse into some of the key moments of Alexanders youth, and his invasion of the mighty Persian Empire, until his death. It also outlined his early life, including his difficult relationship with his father, Philip II of Macedonia, the conquering of the Greek city-states under the League of Corinth, and the conquest of the Persian Empire in 331 BC. It also details his new plans to reform his empire, and the attempts made to reach the end of the world. The storyline begins in 356 BC with Ptolemy I Soter, who narrates the story throughout the film. In lavish sets and images Stone shows his vision of Alexanders daily life in the court of his father, Philip, and portraying the strained relationship between his parents. Alexander grows up with his mother Olympias and his tutor Aristotle, where he finds interest in love, honour, music, exploration, poetry and military combat. Late on, his relationship with his father is destroyed when Philip marries Attalus niece, Eurydice. Thereafter Philip is assassinated and Alexander becomes king of Macedonia and the rest of Greece. After a brief mentioning of his punitive razing of Thebes and burning of Persepolis, Ptolemy gives an overview of Alexanders west Persian campaign, including his declaration to be the son of Zeus by the Oracle of Amun at Siwa Oasis, his great battle against the Persian Emperor Darius III in the Battle of Gaugamela, and his eight-year campaign at Hydaspes against Porus in modern day Pakistan), both of which are shown in the film. The plot also illustrates Alexanders private relationship with his childhood friend, Hephaistion, and later his wife Roxanna until his death. Before succumbing to an unknown illness or poison (it is never revealed which and both are suggested) Alexander distanced himself from his wife Roxanna despite her being pregnant, believing she has killed his childhood friend Hephaistion. The film accurately places Hephaistion in a far closer position than his first wife Roxanna. It is suggested in the film that Alexander died in part due to the loss of Hephaistion, which occurred less than three months earlier. Early in the film Hephaistion compares Alexander to Achilles, to which Alexander replies that if he is Achilles then Hephaistion is his Patroclus (Achilles cousin and supposed lover). Hephaistion mentions that Patroclus died first and then Alexander pledges that if he should die, he would follow him into the afterlife. A promise Ptolemy himself says Alexander apparently kept when he died shortly after Hephaistion. In the film after conquering Babylon Alexander admits that Hephaistion is the only person he loves. (no one can back up that Alexander was homosexual). During the film Hephaistion shows extensive jealousy when seeing Alexander with Roxanna and deep sadness when Alexander marries her, going so far as to attempt keeping her away from Alexander after the former murdered an old friend in India. The film also focuses intensively on the close and warped relationship Alexander shared with his mother Olympias. Summary .. Alexander was born in Macedonia in 356 BC. His father, King Philip II of Macedonia, hired the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle to tutor young Alexander. In the summer of 336 BC, Philip was murdered by one of his bodyguards. Alexander then became king. Many people in Macedonia plotted against the young king, but Alexander was shrewd. He quickly ordered the execution of all the conspirators. At the same time, some Greek cities ruled by Macedonia rebelled and others threatened to seek independence. Alexander crushed the rebellions and restored Macedonian rule. Next, in 334 BC, Alexander turned his attention toward the Persian Empire (now Iran) in southwest Asia. Alexander led Macedonian and Greek soldiers to attack Darius III, Persia’s king. Their armies met at Issus in Syria in 333 BC, and fought a fierce battle. Alexander won, and Darius fled. Alexander then led his soldiers south, into Egypt. Alexander seized power from the pharaoh, who ruled Egypt on behalf of the Persians. The grateful Egyptians saw Alexander as a person who freed them, and they crowned him pharaoh. At the mouth of the Nile River in northern Egypt, Alexander founded a new city. He named the city Alexandria, and it became a famous center of learning In 331 BC, Alexander led his troops back north into Persia. King Darius was eager for revenge. Alexander and Darius fought another great battle, this time at Gaugamela. Once again, Alexander won. The battle at Gaugamela ended centuries of Persian rule in Asia. Alexander then turned south and conquered other important Persian cities. At Persepolis, he burned down Darius’s palace to show he had conquered the Persian Empire. In 330 BC, Alexander went north to find Darius again. This time, Darius was killed by his own men as he fled. Alexander was a military genius and a great explorer. But he also had a grand ambition. He wanted to rule a world empire where people could live in peace with one another. From 330 to 327 BC, Alexander led his soldiers east, through Afghanistan and into Central Asia. As he travelled, he built more cities. He recruited soldiers, merchants, and scholars from many lands to settle there. In 326 BC, Alexander turned south, into India. But by then his men were tired and weak. They were far from home in an unknown land. The soldiers rebelled and refused to go farther. Reluctantly, Alexander turned back. By 323 BC, he reached Babylon in Iraq. While there he caught a fever and died at the age of 33. His empire was divided among his generals. Moral / Lesson O The first moral / lesson in this film is to never dreamed of becoming as powerful as God because He is the only one no one compared with Him. Secondly is â€Å"power† is the counterpart of jealousy. Comprehension Questions .. 1. )What characteristics of Alexander in his young age is being portrayed in the film? Did these characteristics still evident in his adult life? How? O Even Alexander was only a child, you can clearly see his unique characteristics specially his braveness and genuine in terms of battle. O Yes! He conquered half the globe because of his intelligent plans, braveness and his greatness in terms of ruling. . )How did Olympias influenced Alexander? OOlympias influenced Alexander by supporting him to his decisions and teaching Alexander the values of being a child, a man, and also a warrior. 3. )Did Philip have a good relationship with his son? Support your answer. O At first Yes, because they are close to each other(a father and son relationship). Later on, his relationship with his father was destroyed when Philip married Euridice. And in the last part of Philip’s life, Alexander accepted what happened and their early relationship came back. 4. Enumerate all the lands being conquered by Alexander. O Alexander conquered Asia Minor, Persia and eventually Ancient India. 5. )Did the wife of Alexander became an asset or liability to him? How? O No, Hepastion was the only person loved by Alexander. And Roxana(his wife) was just like an ordinary person to him. 6. )How was the vast empire of Alexander divided? O After Alexander died, the vast empire he conquered including Macedonia were divided to his four generals. 7. )In the film, the eagle soars high over the vast army of Alexander during one of his conquest. What does the eagle symbolize in lieu with Alexander’s characteristics as a man, a leader, and a warrior? OAlexander as a man is great compared to an eagle flying in the air. An eagle when flying covers a large part of land by it’s shadow likewise to Alexander’s genius leadership. Even Alexander is only one he can rule properly and control his vast army and lead it to victory. 8. )One of the themes or universal truth of the film is â€Å" The thirst for power and it’s consequences†. In not less than 400 words explain the said theme. O For me the theme or universal truth in the film, â€Å"The thirst of for power and it’s consequences† means that having a power is having a responsibilities. Just like the sayings in Superman â€Å"great powers come great responsibilities† which means If you got power expect that there are consequences like protecting people, beating bad guys, and preserving peace. Similar in the film Alexander, we know that Alexander was very powerful at that time that the other people consider him as a God. But as he got this power he must face the risk. One is he must protect his army whatever happens. Also as a king he must do his best to achieve peace, prosperity, and love in his land. And the main problem or consequence on having superiority is jealousy. Many powerful people died not in battle but because of jealousy of others to their power. Examples are Alexander the great and Julius Caesar. Although the death of Alexander is unknown if due to illness or poison. Some historians thought that its poison that killed Alexander. The suspects are his generals and other officials. It is said that his men are so jealous to Alexander due to his success and supreme power. So they tried to kill him by adding poison to his wine when they are in Macedonia after the battle in Ancient India. Alexander died and his vast empire were divided to his generals. Same as Julius Caesar, he was also a genius in conquering lands as Alexander. Caesar had an absolute power in his time and also because of that â€Å"power† opposition against him grew. Some denounced him as a tyrant, while others were jealous of his popularity. On March 15, 44 Before Common Era, he was stabbed to death. I knew that having a power is awesome and great but too much of it may lead to disaster. A taste of it is enough because as your power increases the risk increases too as well as your enemy. And sadly even the one you trust and love can lie and sell your friendship to get only your power. Once I read a book about power, and it stated that no one can ever have an absolute powers because all these powers belong to God. And also thre’s no one can compare to Him. That’s all. And that’s my own explanation to the atatement â€Å"The thirst for power and it’s consequences†. I hope you understand what I am trying to say or point out. Hehe . Again thanks for reading. God bless.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Sexual Misconduct Teachers

Sexual Misconduct Teachers What is Wrong with our Teachers: An Interdisciplinary Approach to solving the Problem of Educator Sexual Misconduct Introduction Educator Sexual Misconduct (ESM) is becoming more and more of a problem in our society to date. Occurrences are happening at an accelerated rate when compared to twenty years ago. To date there are no preventative measures in place to intercept these potentially harmful individuals who are on their way to becoming teachers in charge of our children. A new nationwide process that will research, evaluate, and forecast these types of criminal behaviors associated with ESM is whats needed today in order to avoid this problem in the future. In addition, legislature could step in and create a more stringent penalty structure for both male and female violators. The school is a place for learning and although a clichà ©, that is where our future lies. Because of that, we need to protect and nurture that environment and not let potential pedophiles roam freely to disrupt that environment. Educator sexual misconduct is not a new problem by any means, but a topic that has jumped onto the scene and wont go away without special attention. Just talking about it wont help or even lessen the problem. Sexual predators are a brash group and just telling them you know theyre there and that you are looking for them wont deter them from their prey. Sexual predators come in many packages. Sexual predators could be male, female, old, young, gay, lesbian, or even bisexual. Considering that, every child who at one point in time goes through the education system is at risk of becoming a target of these predators. The actual victim could be school aged child, a mom, a dad, a spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, or a friend. This type of perversion can potentially touch any individual person at any time and last for a lifetime. Since this is an event that could potentially tough every person who ever goes through the school system then why shouldnt we put more emphasis on making sure this doesnt happen. ESM is a wide spread problem that need to be attacked from many different sides. To solve this problem we will need to pull expertise from numerous disciplinary perspectives to reach and expert understanding. Educator sexual misconduct cannot be solved just by one topic alone. Many disciplines are needed to understand the problem, the children involved, and the context in which these events typically occur in. Specifically, one should understand the psychology of the predator as well as the prey, have a sound understanding of the educational system, criminal law, as well as the skill to comb through mountains of statistical data. (Dr Repkos text must be cited but not quoted here) In examination of this problem a view from multiple disciplines is necessary in order to reach a complete understanding of the issue at hand. The disciplines needed to understand this topic are criminal justice, political science, psychology, and statistics. Specifically, we need to know how an ESM event will affect the development of a child and what problems they will face in the future. It is also necessary to look at the problem from a political science viewpoint in order to understand what legislature could, will, wont, and cant do about the problem. A criminal justice viewpoint will allow for a better understanding of how these perpetrators are currently being punished and what adjustments need to be made to in the penal system to get them to not commit these acts. To what I have learned about epistemology is that the question asks you how you learned the event in question. So, for the epistemology for this paper, there was a primary focus on analysis off scholarly research, interpretation of previous mentioned scholarly articles, examination f recent laws court decisions, and policy when it come to prevention and punishment of these acts. Statistics is a process of gathering, arranging, summarizing, and presenting data in a simple yet informative way (Keller 2006). Statistics will be implemented to show that these events are on the rise when compared to twenty years ago. Psychology targets the academic study of mental process and behavior (Plotnik Kouyoumdjian 2007)). Psychology will be utilized to highlight the long term damage that these predators inflict on their victims. It will also show the difficulty these victims face in relation to recovery from the behavioral, developmental, and social disorders associated with ESM. Criminal Justice, which is the system of law and penalties used to maintain order, social control, and to deter and control crime (Siegel Senna 2008)). This discipline will reflect societies current trend when attempting to punish and deter these criminals. Political Science will be the last disciplines and one of the most important. It is in this discipline that the power for reaching a complete resolution for this problem. Political science itself is a social science that is concerned with theory, analysis, and prediction of political behavior (Jackson Jackson 1996). In this case, we will focus on legislature, policy makers, and administrators who have the power to change laws and implement policies to make future violations of these adolescents nearly impossible. This paper is based on careful research of scholarly articles, state laws, recent court decision and administrative decisions and policies of government run school systems. Together these sources will allow for a deeper understanding of complex and growing problem in our school systems. The purpose of this paper is to show that that there is a growing problem in the school system. In the end it should be clear that there is a need or a new process that will multi faceted process to screen potential teachers who fit the profile of ESM, provide harsher punishment for offenders, and a process to help identify personality types of students who are at higher risks of becoming targets. ESM to date is one of the most feared and devastating problems for any school district. So why not attack your most feared enemy with your most powerful weapons available? Background 9.6 percent of all students in grades 8 to 11 report contact and/or non-contact educator sexual misconduct that was unwanted. While this definition includes many different kinds and degrees of ESM they are all considered unwanted and serious in nature. Using this data, for every 2,000 student in a high school, 192 students will experience some degree of ESM. Take for instance a student that goes to a 5A school in Texas. The data shows that they will have a 9.6% chance of being one of those 192 students and an even greater chance of knowing or being friends with one of the 192 students. Now take the total US population and apply it to our topic. Out of 303 million people 29,088,000 million will, or have personally experienced some sort of ESM. That number grows substantially when associated with people who are mildly affected by ESM. It isnt clear when exactly this problem began to spiral out of control, but it is clear that it is a recent trend. In this case, straight comparisons to past numbers wouldnt be accurate because of major population growth. But comparisons or percentages do show a growth in this trend that is began to accelerate its growth in the last fifteen years. Although there has never been a time when ESM did not exist, there was a long period where it was an incredibly rare occurrence and violators were treated severely. Now, most violators arent scared off by the punishment or believe that the system wont catch them. Those that think the system wont catch them are right. To become a teacher you must only be able to pass a background check. Being a person who has gone through that process I know it is not a very thorough one. I dont have a criminal record or anything but I do have an unreasonably high amount of traffic violation on my driving record. However, the school asked me if I would like to get a bus certification since my driving record appeared clean and I would need it for coaching. If that is typical of the care these administrators take in clearing an individuals past driving record then you must ask how bad could a persons criminal record be and still be allowed to teach? Besides fingerprinting and criminal background checks there isnt much else schools are doing to prevent these predators from entering the schools. Some districts are starting to catch on and requiring additional references to include ones personal life in the application process but that is all. There still is no psychological examination, personality screening, extensive research, or a full criminal background check. Some might say that is an invasion of ones privacy but remember that this is voluntary and these teachers have chosen to be around children. When one chooses to help children they need to also extend that aid in helping safeguard them, if that means surrendering so more intrusive examination during the interviewing process than thats what has to be done. To date there is not enough attention given to the seriousness of t he problem. If a person went out today and began their research to see the extent of the problem they would find; cases involving male teachers and female students at an all time high, court cases involving women educators that receive a favorable judgment often times not including jail time, and an environment in which student dont know of or arent concerned with the dangers. One town epidomises the mindset around the nation. This town, their policymakers, and their citizens thought they were not at risk and couldnt be touched by this epidemic. That was the sentiment in Spring, Texas which is now on their third case in the past two years. When asked, city officials responded with, â€Å"When it happens to you and your school district, it certainly increases your awareness† (Radcliffe 2008). That answer is not sufficient though. A better question would be what is being done now that you realize you need to change, or what are you going to change from two years ago, and why did you miss this? According to a draft report commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education, in compliance with the 2002 No Child Left Behind act signed into law by President Bush, between 6 percent and 10 percent of public school children across the country have been sexually abused or harassed by school employees and teachers. Here are some excerpts from the study: In the state of New York alone, more than $18.7 million was paid between 1996 and 2001 to students who were sexually abused by educators. Fees for attorneys and investigators are in addition to the settlement amounts. None of the abusers was reported to authorities ** Only 1 percent lost their license to teach ** Only 35 percent of abusers received a negative consequence for their actions: 15 percent were terminated or, if not tenured, they were not rehired; and 20 percent received a formal reprimand or suspension. ** Another 25 percent received no consequence or were reprimanded informally and off-the-record. Nearly 39 percent chose to leave the district, most with positive recommendations or even retirement packages intact. There are many reasons for why teenagers dont see the danger in a relationship with their teacher but I believe the media is the reason for not communicating the problem in a correct manner. Recently in â€Å"Boston Public†, a recently cancelled primetime show thats set in an inner city high school, a female student engages in a sexual relationship with a male teacher and is seen as being a ‘cool for having the relationship, and the teacher carries on the relationship because he is given the chance to resign and isnt even prosecuted. Another episode has a young female student who falls in love with her teacher and initiates contact with him. She then uses that event to blackmail him many times before he turns himself in. Once again, ESM is a complex, ongoing, and disturbing problem in the U.S. and deserves a careful examination. To do so requires and interdisciplinary approach that will allow input from the various topics and academic disciplines that this problem exists in. To better describe how this process will work you should take the complete opposite of â€Å"ceterus parabus† which is the theme for economics. It basically states that economics will study the effects on supply from one perspective or event at a time. Here, we will need more than one perspective to examine our topic or we will fail to completely understand the problem and not see the solution. While all steps in the interdisciplinary process are important, without integration you cannot develop, combine and produce a new deeper understanding to the problem. In this case the interdisciplinary approach will allow for a further breakdown of the problem itself. It will allow for perspectives from psychology, political science , math, and criminal justice. When you individually attack the many different and complex aspects of this topic, you will then be able to synthesize this knowledge and come out with a â€Å"new whole† (Repko 2005). Disciplinary Perspectives and Insights Integration Conclusion References Criminal Justice Siegel, Larry J Senna, Joseph J. (2008) Introduction to criminal justice (11th ed.). New York: Thomson Wadsworth. Political Science Jackson, Robert J. Jackson, Doreen (1996). A comparative Introduction to Political Science. New York: Prentice Hall. Robins, Sydney L. (2000). Protecting Our Students. Ontario, Canada: Ontario Ministryof the Attorney General. Robins, Sydney L. (1998). Protecting our students: A review to identify and prevent sexual misconduct in Ontario schools. Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General, Toronto. Additional Sources Psychology Corbett, K., Gentry, C., and Pearson, W., Jr. (1993). Sexual harassment in high school. Youth and Society. Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 93-103. P Flemming J. (1997). Prevalence of childhood sexual abuse in a community sample of Australian women. Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 166, pp65-68. P Freel, M. (2003). Child sexual abuse and the male monopoly: An empirical exploration of gender and a sexual interest in children. The BritishJournal ofSocial Work. No. 33, pp 481-498. P Plotnik, Rod Kouyoumdjian, Haig. (2008). Introduction to Psychology (8th ed.). NewYork: Thomson Wadsworth. Statistics Keller, S (2006). Statistics for management and economics (7th ed.). New York: Thomson South-Western. Additional Sources American Association of University Women (2001). Hostile Hallways, Washington,D.C.: AAUW Educational Foundation Corbett, K., Gentry, C., and Pearson, W., Jr. (1993). Sexual harassment in high school. Youth and Society. Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 93-103. Flemming J. (1997). Prevalence of childhood sexual abuse in a community sample of Australian women. Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 166, pp65-68. Freel, M. (2003). Child sexual abuse and the male monopoly: An empiricalexploration of gender and a sexual interest in children. The BritishJournal of Social Work. No. 33, pp 481-498. Repko, A. (2005). Interdisciplinary practice: A student guide to research and writing (Preliminary ed.). Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing. Robbins, D. (2001, April 22). Out of bounds: Sexual misconduct by educators in Texas. Chronicle investigation reveals relationship of coaches and students rife with abuse. Houston Available online: Robbins, D. (2001, April 22). We trust our kids to them every day. But a Chronicle investigation reveals the relationship between secondary school coaches and students is rife with abuse. Out of bounds. The Houston Chronicle. Retrieved November 22, 2007 from Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe database. Robins, Sydney L. (2000). Protecting Our Students. Ontario, Canada: Ontario Ministryof the Attorney General. Robins, Sydney L. (1998). Protecting our students: A review to identify and prevent sexual misconduct in Ontario schools. Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General, Toronto. Shakeshaft, C., and Cohan, A. (1994). In loco parentis: Sexual abuse of students in schools. What administrators should know. Report to the U.S. Department of Education, Field Initiated Grants. Shakeshaft, C. (2003, Spring). Educator Sexual Abuse. Hofstra Horizons, pp. 10-13. Shakeshaft, C., Cohan, A. (1994). In loco parentis: Sexual abuse of students in schools. What administrators should know. Report to the U.S. Department of Education, Field Initiated Grants. Shakeshaft, C. (2003, Spring). Educator Sexual Abuse. Hofstra Horizons, pp. 10-13. Appendices Glossary Contact or Non Contact Abuse:

Thursday, September 19, 2019

farewell to arms :: essays research papers

In Hemingway’s semi-autobiographical classic A Farwell to Arms, Lieutenant Fredrick Henry labors through the first world war, then referred to as â€Å" †¦ the war to end all wars†. Henry is an American ambulance driver enlisted in the Italian army stationed in Austria. When a mortar explodes in Henry’s field post and nearly blows off his knee, he’s sent to an American-run hospital in Milan, Italy. There he re-unites with his lover, Catherine Barkley, an English Nurse he had a previous relationship on his days in a peaceful Austrian city; which consisted of playing a game of sorts, she asking him to declare his love until finally, to her dissent, Henry does declare legitimate affection with the utmost sincerity. The two then begin a torrent love affair inside the military hospital. During his six-month furlough, Henry’s attitude about the war drastically changes. When having an intimate conversation with Barkley one night he says â€Å"If peo ple bring so much courage to this world the world has to break them, so of course it kills them. The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the brave impartially.† This quote illustrates a very cynical point of view after Henry has lost his faith in human nature. Soon, he wishes to be completely isolated from all current international proceedings. The German army soon invades Italy, and Fredrick ultimately decides to run off to Switzerland with Nurse Barkley and escape the horrors of the war, rather than fight the invasion. During the retreat, the Italian Army was executing the officers considered traitors for not leading their men during a time of impending doom on the Austrian front.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Development of the Modern Party System in Western Europe Essay

The concept of Political Parties has been an evolving concept and framework that emerged after the American formation of political parties in the 18th century. Political scientist Edmond Burke, stated in 1770 that political parties are â€Å" a body of men united for promoting, by joint endeavors, some principles which they all agree.† Professor Feigenbaum broadened upon this definition by stating that political parties are institutions that represent diverse yet compatible interests . Both of these definitions led to recognition that political parties develop in a nation parallel to the development of the society and show the nations cleavages and triumphs. Thus, the recent changes to the political parties in The United Kingdom, France, and Germany are parallel to the recent changes in their society, such as the evolution of new social movements that have changed the electoral composition and decentralized the basic party organizations. The foundation of the classic British two-party political system of the Conservative and the Labour party was founded in the 19th century where the concerns and interests of the British population were all economically and class based. The Conservative party foundations lie in the ability of Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli’s abilities to create a, â€Å"long-lasting alliance between an upper class leadership and a lower-class following .† It has followed until recently, due to David Cameron modernization of party ideals, has followed a platform of conservatism and unionism and has relied on the support of the upper class and the lower class. The Labour Party developed during the industrial revolution as the need for a party that was founded by trade union representatives and represents the interests o... ...more moderate parties with greater party discipline that are based on common views of political ideology and policy and that have been swayed by slowly emerging fringe groups and third parties. This shift in the political party system of these nations corresponds with the shift of Western Europe towards European integration. Thus, these changes do parallel the development of the Western Europe and each respective nation and show the nations and Western Europe’s cleavages and triumphs. Works Cited Kesselman, Mark. European Politics in Transition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2009.Print. Gaspard, Franà §oise. "Rediscovering the citizen." A small city in France . Cambridge,Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1995. Print. Burke, Edmond. Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents. London: Printed for J. Dodsley, 1770. Lecture Notes. October 26, 2010.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Toni Morrisons Sula - The Fire Within Sula Essay -- Sula Essays

The Fire Within Sula  Ã‚   Sula by Toni Morrison is a compelling novel about a unique, self-confident woman.   As in many other books, each secondary character in the story serves as a vehicle to explain the main character.   Hannah, Sula's mother, is dominated by the element of air; she is free spirited, frivolous and child-like.   On the other hand, the element of fire is prevalent in Sula, who is impulsive, hot-tempered and passionate.   Despite the differences between the two, Hannah's lifestyle intrigues and influences her daughter.   The effect Hannah has on Sula is reflected in many of her daughter's perspectives and actions.   As a result of the ubiquitous presence of fire within her, in contrast to her mother's blithe spirit, Sula carries all of Hannah's immorality and actions to a more extreme level.   Both women have promiscuous tendencies, do not have close friendships with women, and become easily irritated by Eva.   The difference is that Sula's fiery character leads her to act mo re cruelly than her mother.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hannah's attitude towards men is peculiar, for she feels no possessiveness towards them, and enjoys having multiple lovers.   The presence of air in Hannah is evident from her relations with the opposite sex.   "Her flirting was, low and guileless...the smile-eyes, the turn of the head-all so welcoming, light and playful." (42).   Hannah's sweet, guileless flirting presents her as an innocent woman, and her playful manner demonstrates her child-like ways.   Her amiability and charisma are evident because "...Hannah rubbed no edges, made no demands, made the man feel as though he were complete and wonderful just as he was...he (the man) swooned in the Hannah-light simply because he was." (43).   Hannah is len... ...feeling no obligation to please anybody unless their pleasure pleased her." (118).   Sula is stronger than Hannah, and makes no attempts to conciliate the society's opinions towards herself.   She follows her animal instincts, and lacks the sense of responsibility.   Although Sula and Hannah are both shunned by society, Sula is even more of a pariah than her mother.  Ã‚   While the people of the Bottom consider Hannah to be "sooty," (29), they decide that Sula is the devil.   The intense hostility people feel about Sula directly relates to her impulsive, vengeful and hot-tempered character.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sula's life is a fun house mirror image of Hannah's-quite similar, but bent into a slightly different shape and tainted with malice.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      Works Cited: Morrison, Toni. Sula. New York: Knopf, 1974. Toni Morrison's Sula - The Fire Within Sula Essay -- Sula Essays The Fire Within Sula  Ã‚   Sula by Toni Morrison is a compelling novel about a unique, self-confident woman.   As in many other books, each secondary character in the story serves as a vehicle to explain the main character.   Hannah, Sula's mother, is dominated by the element of air; she is free spirited, frivolous and child-like.   On the other hand, the element of fire is prevalent in Sula, who is impulsive, hot-tempered and passionate.   Despite the differences between the two, Hannah's lifestyle intrigues and influences her daughter.   The effect Hannah has on Sula is reflected in many of her daughter's perspectives and actions.   As a result of the ubiquitous presence of fire within her, in contrast to her mother's blithe spirit, Sula carries all of Hannah's immorality and actions to a more extreme level.   Both women have promiscuous tendencies, do not have close friendships with women, and become easily irritated by Eva.   The difference is that Sula's fiery character leads her to act mo re cruelly than her mother.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hannah's attitude towards men is peculiar, for she feels no possessiveness towards them, and enjoys having multiple lovers.   The presence of air in Hannah is evident from her relations with the opposite sex.   "Her flirting was, low and guileless...the smile-eyes, the turn of the head-all so welcoming, light and playful." (42).   Hannah's sweet, guileless flirting presents her as an innocent woman, and her playful manner demonstrates her child-like ways.   Her amiability and charisma are evident because "...Hannah rubbed no edges, made no demands, made the man feel as though he were complete and wonderful just as he was...he (the man) swooned in the Hannah-light simply because he was." (43).   Hannah is len... ...feeling no obligation to please anybody unless their pleasure pleased her." (118).   Sula is stronger than Hannah, and makes no attempts to conciliate the society's opinions towards herself.   She follows her animal instincts, and lacks the sense of responsibility.   Although Sula and Hannah are both shunned by society, Sula is even more of a pariah than her mother.  Ã‚   While the people of the Bottom consider Hannah to be "sooty," (29), they decide that Sula is the devil.   The intense hostility people feel about Sula directly relates to her impulsive, vengeful and hot-tempered character.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sula's life is a fun house mirror image of Hannah's-quite similar, but bent into a slightly different shape and tainted with malice.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      Works Cited: Morrison, Toni. Sula. New York: Knopf, 1974.

Cognition, Memory and Perception Essay

Forgetting is the inability of a person to retrieve, recall or recognize information that was stored or still stored in long term memory. (McLeod, S. A. 2008). In terms of short term memory, forgetting is caused by interference between past and new information that most modern accounts that holding on to. In some older models, forgetting is explained using a process of passive deterioration of information. Comparing both accounts, interference seems to have a better explanation of forgetting. Secondly in terms of long term memory, forgetting occurs when one fails to remember and unable to reactivated the memory circuit of given information. In general, forgetting seems to happen in between short term and long term memory. It will occur when information is to be encoded or information is not linked to any memory circuit through interference. (â€Å"What is forgetting in psychology? †, 2008). However, nowadays, there are theories of forgetting in cognitive psychology that are still difficult to test by researches, because one may in fact not forget, but have trouble retrieving information from one’s memory storage. For examples, one forgets about an event such as attending a friend’s birthday party just because the individual were only remembering another event that is more important to him such as a wedding dinner. The examples of the theories of forgetting are encoding failure, decay theory, interference theory, retrieval failure, motivated forgetting and repression. The author of this paper will going to critically asses on the psychological theories on why people forget. According to Freud (1901), the father of the psychoanalytic school, believed that one will forget of what threatens them. For example, experiences that express in abusing, horrifying, hurtful, tense and ego-dissatisfying will pushed back to the unconscious. Based on the opinion of writer on this paper, it is not necessarily that one just forgets about what threatens them but also forgets the information that does not seem important to them. This scenario is similar to the theory of encoding failure whereas the particular information in short term memory that did not manage to encode in the long term memory and the information did not enter to the memory. Besides that, encoding failure also can be result of stress. Based on Yerkes-Dodson Law, too much stress results can cause performance to decline, sometimes sharply if cognitive or nervous breakdown is triggered. A downturn can also be caused by excessive attention to a task such that extra factors that are important get missed. Secondly, the decay theory, this theory suggests that memory traces in the brain will fade over time through lack of use and become inaccessible. Decay theory suggest that forgetting is a psychological process and it is an idea that when a memory has a physical or chemical trace of the experience in the brain when it is laid down. This traces will fade as time passes unless it is reinforced through repeated times of use. For example, when a person meets a new friend, the name of the friend is just like a trace to the brain. But when the person did not manage to meet up with that new friend for a few days, the name of the friend will slowly decay and might not recall it after. However, researchers have not shown that decay theory causes forgetting of something that is stored in the long term memory. In addition, based on the author’s opinion, memory such as driving skills, riding bicycle skills and swimming skills would not decay even though after a period of time, not every memory trace will fade over time. Some studies of the hippocampus have shown a pattern of rapid and then gradual decline of neutral pathways by Anderson (1995).Besides that, there are two types of the interference theory that is, proactive interference and retroactive interference. The definition of the proactive interference is when old information interferes with the new information that cause forgetting. Example of proactive interference theory is when a person who learned many formulas in additional mathematics for a year and learned new sets of formulas for modern mathematics for a month and the person will interfere with the knowledge of additional mathematics while doing modern mathematics. On the other hand, retroactive interference occurs when new information learned interfere with the old information that stored in the memory. Remembering the names of the new students by a lecturer is an example of retroactive interference where the new students name will nterfere with the names that were previously stored. However, researches pointed out that real life interference might not occur so readily. The retrieval failure theory was proposed by (Tulving & Thomson 1973). This theory is known as a cue dependent forgetting that explains forgetting as inability to retrieve material due to an absence of the right cues. In order that one person to retrieve information from the long-term memory, they must depend on the type of cue or prompt which they use and this theory explained that why sometimes that one who unable to remember the material that is certain in our memory. For example, a person cannot remember doing his homework until him or her saw the workbook on the table. This proves that the workbook provide the right retrieval cue. According to Freud (1901), the retrieval of the repressed memories is possible only under special circumstances using a few psychoanalytic techniques. On the other hand, there is a tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon (TOT) that could help one to retrieve forgotten memories. TOT is an example of how we intentionally search for cues that will prompt the retrieval of a specific memory. For example, a person that forgets their neighbor pet’s name and only remembers the dumbbell which hangs around the neck of the pet. By reading the word dumbbell, TOT assists the person to recall that the neighbor pet’s name was Dumble. Furthermore, the motivated forgetting is a case of retrieval failure referred to Freud, (1901). What it actually meant by motivated forgetting? According to Freud (1901), motivated forgetting is that we are motivated to forget the events or actions that is painful that cannot be solve in the memory by pushing it into the subconscious and actively repressing with it. In other words, these experiences are repressed in the unconscious and unable to retrieve when needed. Besides motivated forgetting causes oneself repression of memory, it is possible that one forgets is based on instructions of others and also known as the intentional forgetting or directed forgetting. Anderson, Baddeley and Eysenck (2009) stated that intentional forgetting also refers to forgetting which is initiated by a conscious goal to forget. McNally, Clancy, and Schacter (2001) also stated that loss of autobiographical memories, especially memories for unpleasant or disturbing events has used to explain the intentional forgetting. However, based on the author’s opinion, motivate forgetting on the memories of pain, unpleasant, and disturbing events are unhealthy to one’s body, physically and mentally. What if the capacity of the subconscious has a limit and it cannot continue to repress any more of the memory of negative events, it will causes an unwanted pressure and stress on the individual emotionally and lead to suicide if it reaches the limit. Last but not least, theory of repression, proposed by the psychologist Sigmund Freud. Freud (1901) stated that the unpleasant memories such as sexual abuse, bullying, torture or any traumatic experience which undergoes the psychological process which automatically and unconsciously prevents emotionally distressing memories from coming into our conscious awareness. In the event or experience in the present such as watching a video, hypnosis or hearing music may triggered the repressed memories back into conscious awareness. However, he stated that, repressed memories cannot deliberately bring back unless it was triggered. The memory researches pointed out that the retrieval memories come back into awareness through suggestion by the patient’s therapist in fact are false memories. In the nutshell, all the theories above that have discussed which are the encoding failure, decay theory, interference theory, retrieval failure, motivated forgetting and repression. Overview of this research, readers can determine that every theories of forgetting have relation between one another and it is all related to the short-term memory and long-term memory. If the short-term memory does not exist, there is no long-term memory. In the author’s point of view, some of the theories that have discussed above are too narrow in scope and did not manage to cover all the factors such as emotion of a person that will lead to forgetting. In the author’s opinion, every psychologist that is doing on the same research should investigate and plan the experiments together so that all the psychologists able to brainstorm on their findings and share their thoughts together in order to improve their theories. Besides that, I believe that, all the human being does not want to repress all those negatives events that had ever happened in their lives into their subconscious mind. This is because after repressing or suppressing those memories into the subconscious mind, it would not provide safety precautions in terms of physically and mentally to everyone. What if one day, one person those who suffer from sexual abuse and torture since childhood and triggered that memory back and do the same thing to others. This will lead to even more people suffers.

Monday, September 16, 2019


INTRODUCTION: In the competitive market industries of category of domestic, international or global have very competitive rivalry. Cost leadership and differentiation strategies are commonly used strategic management dimensions in the literature (Dess and Davis, 1984; Nayyar, 1993). But to achieve market superiority over competitors and profitability it has to make clear choice over the strategy used in order to avoid ‘the inherent contradiction of different strategies’ (Porter, 1996, p. 67) In today’s market for a company to survive, it has to create two corporate strategies 1.Lowest price without jeopardizing the quality. 2. Better quality, simple way of operation and better look that means ability to be creative and innovative. According to Porter (1985) all generic competitive strategies have different way of cresting sustainable competitive advantage. And a company must always choose a strategy or else it will be stuck in the middle without coherent strategy (Acquaah & Yasai – Ardekani, 2006). Many companies for example Wal – Mart and AirAsia have been implementing a single strategy very successfully.Examples of companies which has used differentiation strategy as single strategy successfully: * Differentiation by Brand: Harley Davidson and Mercedes Benz * Differentiation by Design: Titan watches – with gold studded gems, diamonds, precious metals. * Differentiation by Positioning: Domino Pizza ‘ 30 minutes delivery’ * Differentiation by Technology: Apple Computers * Differentiation by Innovation: 3M. Furthermore there are successful companies which apply hybrid – strategy which implies both cost leadership & differentiation strategy at the same time.Eg: German’s Automotive, Tesco supermarket, IKEA. Competitive Strategy: It is the way by which firms choose to accomplish and hold their competitive advantage. Regarding competitive strategy Porter stated that â€Å"taking offence or defensiv e actions to create a defendable position in an industry, to cope with †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦competitive forces and thereby yield a superior return for the firm†. Companies have established different approaches to competitive strategy, as per the crisis companies should apply respective strategy. The basic of generic strategy:Porter stated that company’s strength is divided into two attributes: cost advantage and differentiation. By applying these attributes in a broad and narrow focus, three generic strategies result: cost leadership, differentiation and focus. They do not represent any industry nor they are specific to any company. PORTER’S GENERIC STRATEGIES: Diagram 1: (Porter, 1980) Normally means â€Å"pursue a quality approach†. Enables a price premium to be charged for the quality difference. Normally means â€Å"pursue a quality approach†. Enables a price premium to be charged for the quality difference.Aim to have lowest cost-base in dustry. Will facilitate favourable / cheaper pricing and thus grow market share in elastic industries particularly. Aim to have lowest cost-base industry. Will facilitate favourable / cheaper pricing and thus grow market share in elastic industries particularly. Competitive Advantage Competitive Advantage Differentiation Differentiation Lower Cost Lower Cost Broad Target Broad Target 1. Cost Leadership| Competitive Score Competitive Score 2. Differentiation| Narrow Target Narrow Target 3 A. Cost Focus| 3 B. Differentiation Focus|Concentrate on one or a small number of market segments. Can be differentiation or cost leadership. Concentrate on one or a small number of market segments. Can be differentiation or cost leadership. Porter initially advised Firms to avoid attempting both Strategies – Stuck in the Middle – as out and out differentiators and cost leaders will tend to be more competitive. The success of Japanese (and other) firms with JIT, Kaizen and TQM techniqu es appears to provide evidence contrary to this view. Requirements for generic competitive strategies:Generic Strategy| Commodity Required Skills and Resources| Common Organizational Requirements| Overall cost leadership| Sustained capital investment access to capital| Tight cost control| | Process engineering skills| Frequent, detailed control reports| | Intense supervision of labour| Structured organization and responsibilities| | Products designed for ease | Incentives based on meeting strict quantitative| | Low-cost distribution system| targets in manufacture| Differentiation| Strong marketing abilities| Strong coordination among functions in R&D, product development, and marketing| | Product ngineering| | | Creative flare | | | Strong capability in basic research| Subjective measurement andincentives instead of quantitative measures| | Corporate reputation for quality or technological leadership| Amenities to attract highly skilled labour, scientists, or creative people| | Long tradition in the industryor unique combination of skills drawn from other businesses| | | Strong cooperation fromchannels| | Focus| Combination of the above policies directed at the particular strategic target| Combination of the above policies directed at the regular strategic target|Four strategic types and their approaches to strategy (Miles and Snow)? : 1. Defender: * protect market share * hold current position 2. Analyser: * seek market opportunities but protect existing areas * hold market share but with some innovation 3. Prospector: * find new opportunities * exploit and take risks 4. Reactor: * respond only to other * often late and inadequate COST AND DIFFERENTIATION STRATEGY: Cost Leadership Strategy – The cost leadership strategy represents cost control and efficiency in all areas of operation (Porter, 1980).A company that decides to follow cost leadership actually achieves it by performing important value chain activities with lower cost (Porter, 1985). Cost â €“ Leadership strategy strives to supply a standard, no frills, high volume product with a competitive price to customers (Bingxin Li & Juan Li, 2008) which is preferred in developing countries India, China, Indonesia & Malaysia. This make product more competitive than others with brand image and good service (Hutchinson et al. 2007; Frambach et al. 2003; Porter, 1980).Cost Leadership aim requires strong focus on supply side as oppose to demand side of market – with high level competitor orientation (Day & Wendley, 1988). Cost Leadership strategy used by companies must benchmark them in a profitable position in the market place. As per Porter (1980), efficient cost leadership strategy minimizes cost in areas like R&D, Services, Sales and Advertising. In Japan, Toyota Company has successfully implemented cost leadership strategy with increased efficiency (Schonberger, 1994) which is a different factor make up in this strategy when compared to the western countries. Allen & Helms, 2001) Differentiation Strategy – The generic of differentiation strategy can be based upon design and brand image, distribution & so forth (Frambach. Et al. 2003). It involves by creating a place in the market that is realized as being different in the industry and has the capability to endure for a long run (Porter, 1980). The effectiveness of strategy depends on competitive offering to customers (Slater & Olson, 2001) with unique product for varied customer groups. This is with the aim to create minimum price of product in order to develop satisfaction and loyalty.A firm with differentiation strategy creates superior characteristics in terms of image, reputation, reliability and equality (Dean & Evans, 1994; Sashi and Stern, 1995). This creates qualitative difference in products & service, engaged in advertising programs, marketing techniques with premium prices (Miller, 1986). According to Acquaah and Yasai – Ardekani (2006). Firms with competitive strategie s has advantage over their rivals as they realized how unique their products and services are.The differentiation strategy has been successfully implemented in France, Sweden, Canada with companies having advantage of Financial and technology resources, human capital and modern management (Aulakh et al, 2000) Focus Porter defined focus as one of the generis strategies but later on mentioned it as moderator of cost leadership and differentiation strategy, Companies which apply this strategy normally focus on the market where there are less competition. (Pearson, 1999). Firms uses this strategy to stress on a specific positioning in the market and so it offers quality and specialized products for that position.Therefore sometimes focus strategy is referred as niche strategy (Lynch, 2003). This strategy allows the firm the possibility to charge a premium price for its specialized products. Ferrari and Rolls – Royce are examples of company using such strategy. The only problem wi th the strategy is that niche characteristic is not sufficient to justify company’s attention. Stuck in the middle – When a company fails to make a choice between the strategies then it is implied that the company is stuck in the middle. Thus affecting its profitability and resulting poor financial performance. (Peter, 1980)THE COMBINATION (HYBRID) STRATEGY: The Porter Generic competitive Strategies (1980, 1985) can’t be given excessive prominence. Competitive forces ( Allen and Helms, 2006; Miller, 1992; Spanos, et al. , 2004) has been termed â€Å" hybrid, mixed, integrated or combination strategies. (Kim. Et al. , 2004; Spanos, et al. , 2004). They combine both low cost and differentiation elements (Gopalakrishna and Subramanian, 2001; Proff, 2000). A combination of cost leadership and differentiation strategies should be distinguish from ‘stuck in the middle’ where firm fails to successfully pursue both. (Acquaah & Yasai – Ardekani, 2006 ).A combination or hybrid strategy has been proved to be viable and profitable (Kim et al. , 2004; Miller & Dess, 1993; Wright et al. , 1991). Firms pursuing combined strategy achieved higher performance than the other firms which apply single strategy. Combined strategy also helps the firm to minimize their vulnerability due to reliance on cost – based advantages only (Yasai – Ardekani & Nystrom, 1996). This hybrid strategy success depends on ability to deliver enhanced benefit to customers with low price and sufficient margins to reinvestment. Tesco Supermarket is following same the same strategy (Strategy Explorer, 2010)THE APPLICATION OF SINGLE STARTEGY: Cost Leadership Strategy: The cost leadership strategy is the basis for long – run compare to price competition. Price competition is easily duplicated (Porter, 1980; Ellis & Kelly, 1992). In retail business cost reduction must be exploited which minimizes cost throughout value chain activities. Important is sues in retail business are related with cost of goods sold. (COGS). Large retail business achieve more easily cost leadership due to more power supplier to secure low procurement prices for purchased goods (Ellis & Kelley, 1992; Anderer, 1997).Datuk Tony Fernandez as CEO of AirAsia Berhad said â€Å"Before business can grow it needs to have its cost under control, efficient and profitable and also it must create value†. AirAsia leader of LCC in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia will face competition from existing and new players and it need to make consideration & more stressed for the point of becoming the low cost carrier in the airline industries. Differentiation Strategy: It emphasis several dimensions such as image, gain customer loyalty, innovation and level of service (Kim et al. , 2004) by generating differences n product through intensive marketing & image management (Miller 1988) and creating products which are innovative, dependable, durable, and serviceable (Beal & Yasai – Ardekani, 2000) In retail business company, as for manufacturing companies two main arguments against Porter framework have emerged (Mintzberg, 1996; Worztel, 1987; Zentes and Anderer, 1994) – * Strategies that combine several competitive advantages are not considered by Porter. * The reduction of possible competitive advantage to two basic types is simplistic & especially differentiation advantages can be reached in different ways.The implementation of combination of Cost Leadership and Differentiation Strategy (Hybrid Strategy): This new hybrid strategy may become even more important and more popular as Global competition increase. With generic strategy company improve their ability to adapt quick environment changes and learn new skills and technologies involving customer’s value with products at low cost compare to competitor’s products. Cost leadership enables the company to charge the lowest competitive price and achieving competitive adva ntage by delivering value to customers based on both product features and low price.Competitive strategy is not only feasible but generates superior incremental performance result in multiple sources of competitive advantage. This will generate superior performance over the inability to success. The success of Japanese companies such as Toyota, Canon and Honda are best examples of cost leadership and differentiation strategies. (Ishikura, 1983). Porter’s Generic Strategies in Hospitality Industry: 1. Cost Leadership Strategy: Hotelier such as Fairfield Inns, Etap offer services which are basics. Thus by doing so, they keep the cost at minimum and attract lot of market segment. . Differentiation Strategy: Chain of hotels such as Marriott and Hilton apply this strategy by providing guests with high quality and special service and experience. 3. Focus Strategy: Four Seasons only stress on elite guests and Burj Al Arab hotel only target guests such as royal families, celebrities, and rich industrialists. Five Forces Analysis: Porter developed this model as a framework to understand the profitability about the industry. Mentioned below are the five forces: * Supplier’s power * Buyer’s power * The threat of substitutes * The ease of entry to the market The intensity of rivalry in the market Porter Five Forces that shape industry competition: Example of a pharmaceutical company in US: †¢ Potential New Entrants: There are high barriers for entry especially in the US market due to the regulatory compliance, patent laws and the risk associated with the industry this remains a weak competitive force. The cost related to the R&D also limits the Potentials New Entrants. †¢ Suppliers: Supplier power in low as the majority of the pharmaceutical sale is among the ten large pharmaceutical companies also they remain the major costumer for the chemical industry. Buyers: The power of the buyers is a moderate competitive force. Increasing pressure is being applied on the manufacturers to reduce the prices. In the pharmaceutical industry the end-user of the product has very low power as they buy the drugs that the decision maker or the doctor prescribes. †¢ Substitutes: This competitive power is weak when the products have the patent production but gets medium when they are off patent. CONCLUSION: Successful organization adopts a combination of competitive aspect to build a hybrid strategy. i. e. Design and low cost, quality and price .Only competing on price is not good enough (Daan Assens’s Learning , 2010). Cost leadership and differentiation strategies are very successful in much different kind of industries, for developing, transition and developed economics. Cost leadership, Differentiation and hybrid strategies have been successfully applied for very broad range of products and services from retail products to luxury products. TABLE 1: STRATEGIES USED BY THE COMPANIES No. | Strategy| Where has the strategy bee n applied | Products/Services that the strategy has been applied | 1. Cost Leadership| Developing, Transition and developed economics (worldwide)| Cars Industry (Toyota), Airline Business (Air Asia), Retail Business (Giant and Carrefour Supermarket)| 2. | Differentiation| Developing, Transition and developed economics (worldwide)| Cars and Motor cycle Mercedes Benz, Harley Davidson, Titan Watches, Domino Pizza, Apple , 3M| 3. | Hybrid – (Combination of Cost Leadership and Differentiation Strategy)| Developing, Transition and developed economics (worldwide)| Car Industry – Toyota, Honda, Furniture Industry – IKEA| REFERENCES: Acquaah, M. & Yasai-Ardekani, M. (2006). Does the implementation of a combination competitive strategy yield incremental performance benefit? A new perspective from transition economy in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Business Research 61, 346 – 354. * Anderer, M. (1997). Internationaliseerung im Einzelhandel. Deutscher Fachverlag, Fr ankfurt. * Aulakh, Preet S. , Masaaki Kotabe. & Hildy Teegen. (2000). 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